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Showing posts from February, 2017

Snow Crash - fucking awesome book

On my mind? The cybernetic rat/dog thing from "Snow Crash" - they had built-in fusion reactors that let them run at hundreds of miles per hour, but needed massive cooling fins to avoid overheating. "Badass: Between Hiro, Raven, Y.T., Uncle Enzo, and the cybernetic rat/dog thing, the book has more badassness than most books should be allowed to have."

Fantastic Heroes & Witchery - OSR

You ever flip through a book, and find that one thing that sells it to you?  Yeah, I so need a copy of Fantastic Heroes & Witchery , entirely based on this image.  Well, okay, this image and the fact that Mark Craddock uses it.  Mark manages a game store, so he is kind of a guru on all the new games, so if he considers it worth his time to mock up blog posts using a system , I'm immediately open to it. Then this sample art found in the online sampler  (Ladies, you  so  know what I'm talking about, right?)   ( buy FHW from ) Hey, for $7.50, if the authors have this kind of sense of humor, I'm totally willing to try it.  If it helps, the online reviews for it are favorable, too.   Personally, I prefer hardcopy, because I like BOOKS - I like being able to handle a physical object, not have to squint, and not have to worry about battery life.

Size Matters: Wine Bottles

So, apparently, but some bottles aren't just kitchy good fun, but also help the wine inside age more slowly .  Huh. ( source )

Elven Tower

Derek Ruiz is the mad genius behind .  He makes maps, and has a Patreon account . Good maps are hard to find.  This is beautiful, easy to use, and totally looks like fun.